Health and overall wellness can be a challenge. Believe me, I know! Here are some tips and tools I make use of when I need extra support, along with healing modalities that I'm especially inspired by.
Wishing you healing and happiness
Energy-based healing (most popularly known as Reiki and Healing Touch) accesses our human energy field and is a holistic method for stress reduction and relaxation. It creates the opportunity for the body, mind, and emotions to heal. Opening to this increased flow of life energy brings about the removal of disturbances on many levels and restores balance in and around the energy centers of the body. Intuitive feedback often results from these sessions as well.
Clients often sense the following during/after a session: tingling, hot or cold, a brushing motion or breeze sensation, feeling as though they've woken from a full night of sleep, a heavy weight has been lifted away, emotional release, deep and restful relaxation.
How to Request a Session
Please contact me if you're interested in scheduling a distance energy healing session to see if I am currently offering sessions. There is a $2 per minute charge and 30 minute minimum. As a Certified Medical Reiki Master I'm trained specifically for working within medical situations. Reiki administered during medical events may have a higher fee based on timing; please inquire with me directly and we can discuss those details. At this time sessions will only be provided from a distance.
Here are some additional options to consider where you can find free offerings. These resources include trained energy healers, many of whom charge for distance energy work through their own businesses, but who have offered their services for free through these programs:
You can contact me, use "free distance energy session" in the subject line, and for a week I will include you in a daily session that I extend to others.
The Healing Pen Pals program organized by Echo Bodine
The Edge Magazine holds a weekly Reiki Share with Holly Busse that you can join for free every Thursday at 8pm CST via Zoom here or use Meeting ID: 832 7887 5489 and Passcode: 701353.
The Reiki Buddy Initiative organized by Raven Keyes Medical Reiki International (RKMRI) Ireland
This program was especially set up for those in real need and as a way for healers to give back during the pandemic
Global Remote Healing Network where you can specify your request for a human or an animal companion.

While death is an inevitability of life, loss of a loved one—whether family, friend, or animal companion—can lead to trauma and deep emotional wounds. Even though grief is something that never fully goes away, we can still find healing around our losses.
One form of this healing comes through experiences of spontaneous after-death communication (ADCs) and continuing bonds, where we acknowledge the natural continuation of our relationship with the one we've lost. This might include things like acknowledging the feeling of a loved one's presence, experiencing visitation dreams, accepting a sign that they appear to be sending you, continuing to have conversations with them, and more.
After-death communication can also be assisted through mediumship readings. Mediumship is the ability to psychically connect with loved ones in Spirit. The gift of this ability is that it moves us beyond belief to actual experience and interaction. In this way, we can find relief, healing, and peace in the form of a phone call of sorts to the other side, and be reassured that even though we no longer have them in this physical space, they continue on in another form.
I believe we're all born mediums and can independently connect with those we've loved and lost. But I also believe for most people development of this ability is like any other skill. I'm somewhat musically inclined and I can play the piano, but I've never dedicated a lot of time to my training. I can eventually plod through a song, but it doesn't always mean you'll be able to identify what I'm trying to play! To be fluent I'd need to devote much more time to lessons. The same is true of mediumship.
As one psychic medium put it, hearing from those in Spirit is totally natural. What's not natural is sitting down and demanding an immediate message right at that moment.[1] This is where extra training becomes especially necessary.
For decades the idea of offering public readings was a strong "no" for me, but when I finished writing The Secret Psychic the spiritual flip switched and I suddenly had the desire to take things to another level, with a focus in evidential mediumship (this practice places importance on initially anchoring a reading with facts and details that identify who is being linked with in Spirit).
How to Request a Session
I'm currently honing my skills in various evidence-based mediumship programs. I am not currently offering sessions, however, I may offer select free readings in the future as extra practice. If I start offering that in the future, to be considered for a free practice reading, you can contact me here and use "Free Mediumship Reading" in the subject line (submission does not guarantee a reading, as selection will partly be determined by how many people end up requesting a free session).
For Your Own Training
For more information on natural spirit communication and ways to enhance your own skills, check out my book The Secret Psychic.

NEUROPLASTICITY -Brain Retraining/Neural Rewiring
After experiencing progressively worsening symptoms through most of my lifetime, in April 2019 I started working with a functional medicine doctor who stated simply, "This all makes me wonder what's going on in your brain." Up to this point I'd visited every allopathic and alternative health care practitioner you could imagine. Not even a neurologist had held this curiosity. But once this premise was posed, I couldn't look back!
Thus began my venture into the world of neuroplasticity and new understanding of limbic system impairment. This crossed wiring in the brain can lead to a plethora of symptoms ranging from multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS), allergies, and electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS) to chronic fatigue (CFS), post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), chronic pain, anxiety, depression, and more.[2] The more I heard, the more it made sense.
There are many forms of neural rewiring, such as The Gupta Program and the Dynamic Neural Retraining System (DNRS). Since starting my work with the these types of systems, I've noticed improvement in anxiety, depression, and overall mood; lessened sensitivity to smells; an ability to stop acute stress response (fight or flight) and calm feelings of panic; and a new sense of hope and positivity. It's a slow process, so time will reveal all of the potential benefits, but what I've seen so far is a big deal. It shows things moving in the right direction. It shows something is changing.
By rewiring the brain through the power of neuroplasticity, others claim to have resolved much more. I continue to test these waters and see where they take me. For anyone struggling with issues that may be associated with limbic system impairment, I highly recommend trying some form of neural retraining.
Starting out initially I felt scattered, which makes it hard for me to commit to something. As a result, I came up with journal pages that I found helpful. I've included the pages here in case it's helpful for anyone else.

According to recent observation and research, grounding (connecting your bare skin to the surface earth) appears to have a wide range of positive effects, including: improving inflammation-related disorders, reducing or eliminates chronic pain, improving sleep quality and time it takes to fall asleep, increasing energy, lowering stress and promotes calmness by cooling down the nervous system and stress hormones, thinning blood and improving blood pressure and flow, relieving muscle tension and headaches, lessening hormonal and menstrual symptoms, normalizing the body’s biological rhythms, speeding healing, including recovery from athletic activity.[3]
As humans evolved we’ve always held some form of connection with the earth, most often through our feet. In fact, your feet house some of the largest pores and contain more sweat glands than any other area on your body. This is one reason why it’s recommended to put essential oils on the bottom of the feet and why detox foot baths are so prevalent; it’s an excellent location to absorb what is most beneficial and to release what’s not wanted. Our feet contain the highest concentration of sensitive nerve endings as well.[4] Perhaps this was all a part of a design for optimum energy exchange through an area we most often would be in contact with the earth. But, for many of us this isn’t a natural occurrence any longer. With modern travel practices, plastic and rubber-soled shoes, and an affinity for the indoors we’re constantly insulated and removed from the surface of the earth. If we want to make a connection we need to make a conscious effort to do so.
For more information on grounding, check out my chapter in mindful earth connection in Llewellyn's Complete book of Mindful Living!

I came upon salt therapy in my holistic pursuits while dealing with allergies and respiratory concerns. Treatments are used for detoxing, stress relief, pain relief, and more. If you've ever spent time in or near the ocean and noticed healing results, it may have been the benefits of salt therapy.
In my own experience, there are several ways I put salt to therepeutic use. I use a neti pot, a tool to clean the sinuses with distilled water and salt (I also add a drop of lavender essential oil), to help relieve environmental allergies. I use salt in baths to help detox, relieve pain, relax, and supplement beneficial nutrients. I have also used a Himalayan salt air inhaler. This one I'll describe a bit more, since so many people are unfamiliar with it...
I had been prescribed a medicated inhaler, but was worried about possible side-effects, so it just sat on the shelf unused while I continued to struggle with breathing issues. Around the same time a salt room popped up in my area and, curious, I tried it out. The premise of a salt room is that by inhaling dry salt aerosols (which are piped into a salt chamber you relax in), you cleanse, sanitize, and reduce inflammation of the airways, among other benefits. While the experience was intriguing, I wanted something more convenient for day-to-day living. That's when I came across Himalayan salt air inhalers, which are porcelain pipes filled with salt. I drip a drop of eucalyptus essential oil in mine, and the combination of essential oil and salt therapy is a personal life-saver.
I like to buy from is Solay Wellness. They use fair trade Himalayan salt, products are eco-friendly, sustainably sourced, and they focus on handcrafted material (in the case of the inhaler, it's made in the USA).

Years ago, while healing centers and spas that I worked at were using essential oils left and right, I decided (or my body informed me) that it just wasn't for me. Being a sensitive person, as soon as I would take a whiff I would have headaches, brain fog, moodiness, nausea, neck tension, fatigue, sneezing/ runny nose, and overall discomfort. This is the same way I respond to perfumes and chemicals.
Then a friend shared her preferred oils. Surprisingly, the scent was soothing to me; instead of pulling away from it, my body wanted to deeply inhale. I was intrigued and my interest in essential oils was reignited.
I soon realized that the reason I'd been reacting to other essential oils was because often the base ingredients are produced with pesticides and other contaminants. When the essential oils are being created, they are also often cut with other ingredients to make more from less.
My recommendation? When choosing your oils, do the nose test. If you're anything like me, your body won't lie. To be sure, though, research the brand and make sure you're using a safe and quality material that's also responsibly sourced.
For use and safety, a great resource is the National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy.

[1] Michael Mayo. Discover Evidence-Based Mediumship, Module 1: Ethical Mediumship & Dispelling Myths & Fears. The Shift Network. June 10, 2021.
[2] Dynamic Neural Retraining System. "The Program: Neuroplasticity".
[3] “The Benefits of Earthing,” Going Barefoot: Stories of Health & Happiness By Reconnecting to the Earth Vol. 1 No. 1 (Palm Springs, CA: Going Organic Publishing Company, 2013): 8.
[4] Canadian Federation of Podiatric Medicine, “Feet Facts,” accessed April 9, 2015,