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"This book has freed my inner child and convinced me to play again with the magical beings I believed in when young. Unicorns appear in moments of synchronicity, beauty, and imagination; Angela has shown me how to recognize their presence and beckon them into my adult life. Ultimately, this is a book about wonder and joy, two qualities much needed in our lives and the world."

—Cyndi Dale, bestselling author of The Complete Book of Chakra Healing

Cover Llewellyns Little Book of Unicorns


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What is the book about? 

This little guide will help you connect to your authentic self so you can shine! 


You will learn what unicorns are all about as mythological creatures, but more significantly, you’ll also learn what it means to welcome and embody unicorn energy for higher levels of everyday magic.


If you've felt disconnected from your joy, this book is for you. Rediscover the source of your inner light and your authentic self.


Embrace the magic of unicorns to find what lights you up from the inside out. Finding inspiration, heightened creativity, and all the things in life that leave you vibrating and make you sparkle is what it’s all about!  

So this isn't a kid's book? 

Nope, unicorns are for grown-ups, too! While I wrote the book with teens and adults in mind, kiddos may very well enjoy reading and practicing along with you.

Why unicorns?

After a couple of really challenging years I was inspired to write this book when I realized I needed to find my unicorns. I needed to figure out once again what made me vibrantly happy. 


We are all constantly faced with challenge and the shadow side can certainly take its moment. The goal, then, is to guide the light back in. Unicorns are evasive creatures. They’re the magic we must always have our ears and eyes open for.


We set a trail of our own glitter to lead them our way, planting seeds as we go through our days. We learn what beckons them into our realm and cultivate those pleasures. And we acknowledge their presence when it graces us, whether it be through hard work and planning on our part, or unexpected surprise.

But it's a fiction book, right?

Nope! This is a non-fiction book for inspiration, personal growth, and spiritual development. 


On the surface this is a book about unicorns, but in reality it’s about finding the things that make you shine and getting to a place of authentic joy, even in dark times.


At it's core, it's a guide to rediscovering wonder and happiness. It may be book about unicorns, but it gets very real. 

Your unicorn may be different than mine 

Unicorns skew the line of reality and imagination. Think about what your experience and interest in them is. What drew you to this book? Is your attraction based on reality or imagination? For you, the idea of unicorns may be about:

  • The reality of an extinct or hidden creature.

  • The use of your imagination to entertain a fantastical beast.

  • Your experience of a spiritual reality, of unicorns as a high vibration spiritual guide.

  • A metaphor of your own search for magic in life and a belief in the very real and vibrant power you hold within your authentic self.  

We touch a bit on the idea of an extinct or hidden creature through the unicorn’s historical significance, but the remaining items in this list (imagination, spirituality, and metaphor) are what make up our focus in the rest of the book. 

Why is this relevant?

1) There is great value in the modern unicorn archetype:


Unicorns go beyond clichés. While they were previously connected to sexist and judgmental idealization of feminine chastity or “purity,” these outdated ideas have transitioned toward an association with being young-at-heart, as well as the search for inner wisdom, empowerment, and enlightenment.


The unicorn horn was once sought after and fetishized as the holy grail of healing. Now, when we think of healing with the unicorns what we’re seeking is empowerment, authenticity, and personal transformation through the healing wisdom that we hold within ourselves. 

2) Our modern lives need balance that creativity and a return to wonder can provide:


In our modern world where the physical experience is valued above emotion, mind, or spirit, it can be difficult to appreciate or even believe the things we experience on other levels.


In this book you’ll be guided in ways to heighten your value of experiences through your creative energy, mind, emotion, spirit, and imagination, because they are real and have value, too.

What you will gain by finding your unicorns

By the time you end your walk with the unicorns I want you to believe in yourself and know you are magic.

If you’ve come here to entertain your playful imagination, welcome! If you’re more interested in finding out about your own magical nature, you’ll find that as well.

If spiritual practice is what you really seek, continue on. No matter which point is your particular interest, you'll be supported in living your truly inspired life.

Even amid all the messy mess of life we can still find wonder, beauty, and awe-inspiring moments. I hope the things I share here will support you on your way to discovering the unicorns you’ve come in search of!

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Llewellyn's Little Book of Unicorns is now available through book sellers such as

IndieBound, Llewellyn, B&N, and Amazon!  

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